European Commission clarifies the application of Measurement Instruments Directive (MID) to EV charging stations

In 2004, when MID was passed, there were almost no charging stations erected in Europe. The market started with mainly AC charging stations that partly contained MID meters known from household appliances, meaning that those AC chargers were manufactured and certified under MID. A decade later, in 2014, the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive (AFID) was passed and Member States started applying metrology law to the meters inside the EV chargers and the chargers themselves, e.g. Germany in 2015. Fast charging was evolving but commercial DC meters designed for fast chargers were not available back then.

In order to ensure a harmonized application of MID across the EU and prevent the introduction of non-harmonized requirements for active electrical meters across the Member States, ChargeUp Europe sent a letter to the European Commission, in support of the work done by DG GROW’s Working Group Measuring Instruments (E01349). The letter sought a confirmation that active electrical energy meters are within the scope of MID, regardless of whether AC or DC is used. The European Commission has replied confirming that ‘the Directive neither excludes DC meters nor restricts the scope to AC meters’.

Read the full letter sent by ChargeUp Europe here and the European Commission’s reply here.


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